Starting a New Business
It is very important that any new business gets competent professional advice from the outset. Decisions have to be made as to whether to operate as a sole trader, partnership or limited liability company. All the advantages and disadvantages of each form of trading must be taken into consideration before reaching a decision.
Our firm can also provide the following additional services in connection with new business:
Valuing a business
Advising on raising of finance
Registering for V.A.T.
Setting up and implementing accounting and payroll systems.
Accountancy and Book-keeping
Some businesses may need our help for their book-keeping and accounting.
We have the proper computer software facilities and trained staff to process clients records if requested, complete V.A.T. returns, produce management reports and accounts.
The general idea of the audit is to provide an independent examination which will result in an objective view of the business financial performance over a period of usually a year. Before we plan all audit work, so that it is tailored to each client's requirements, we ensure that we are completely familiarized with the nature of the client's operations.
After the audit is completed the partner in charge discusses the audited financial statements with the client. The matters discussed will depend on the nature of the client's business and also its size. The main areas of discussion will include:
Possible improvements to the accounting system
Future business plans
Company liquidity
The level of directors' remuneration
Tax planning.
Feasibility Studies
Feasibility studies are undertaken on new projects, take-overs, reorganizations and other specific engagements requested by our clients.
Other Services
Our other Services can be summarized as follows:
Completing of all corporation and Income Tax returns for companies, partnerships and sole traders.
Advising on the implementation and effective use of computers. It is essential that the right advice is given.
Undertaking to train clients' new staff in any book-keeping and accountancy matters.
Studying clients' business structure and costs and suggesting ways of how these costs could be reduced, without affecting other aspects of the enterprise's activities.
Working with clients closely in apportioning or allocating costs to various services or products so that a better pricing system is implemented.
Maintaining and/or assisting in keeping statutory books, minutes, register of members.